luni, 19 martie 2018

Despre tezaurul de la Sinemorets, Bulgaria - 19.03.2018

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The treasure from Sinemorets.

The sensational coin hoard from Sinemorets 2012 (text adapted after two articles of Prof. Ivan Karayotov). The most significant, unique and sensational discovery is the presence of a large number of rare silver tetradrachms of the Thracian king Mostis (2nd c. BC). There are more than 35 coins of him registered. Mostis’ coins have a portrait on the obverse side and goddess Athena sitting on the throne on the reverse, the same as the coins of Byzantium. On the reverse, however, is written the title and the name of the king in Greek letters: "Basileos Mostidos". Under the throne is marked the year of his reign. Until 1991 in the numismatic literature there were known only 11 silver coins of Mostis, carefully published by the late numismatist Adolf Rogalski of Varna, which were scattered in the most famous world museums and collections. Since then our colleague Evgeni Paunov was able to record more coins found on the territory of Bulgaria. An overstruck tetradrachm of Mostis was found in the treasure from Rudnik near Burgas. Bronze coins of this Thracian ruler were also found in the old town of Nessebar, the valley of the river Hadjiika in Aitovo and one example was found in the ruins of the Thracian fortress, located on the north shore of the Mandra Lake. Mostis as a King of the Caeni (Thracian tribe) ruled over the territories in South East Thrace - Strandzha mountain, todays Bulgaria and Turkey. This king is best known from his coins - bronze and silver and from a inscription. He emerged on the political scene after the death of Zibelmios, after 135/133 BC or little later in 127 BC. Tetradrachms of Mostis can be seen in museums in London, Berlin, Paris, New York, etc. Today the coins from Sinemorets hoard can be seen in Tsarevo Municipal museum. The most numerous are the tetradrachms of Byzantium – 149 pieces (The city was rebuilt and announced new capital of the Roman Empire by Emperor Constantine I in 330 AD and subsequently renamed Constantinople). On the face side of the coin depicts Alexander the Great, presented in his right profile with ram’s horns of the Egyptian god Amon-Ra. On the back we see the goddess Athena, seated on a throne, holding a shield and the statuette of the goddess of victory Nike. Under the throne is shown the symbol of Byzantium – the Poseidon's trident. The coins belong to the latest period in the coinage of this type of a mint located on the European shore of the Bosphorus. They date from the last quarter of the second century and the first decade of the first century BC. The earliest coin in Sinemorets belongs to Bithynian king Prusias II Cynegus (182–149 BC). On the front side of the coin is a portrait of the ruler, and on the back side is Zeus, standing topless, holding scepter with his right hand and crowned with a wreath name "Prusiou". There are also several tetradrahmas of the other Bithynian King Nicomedes II Epiphanes, 149–127 BC. His coins also have a portrait and Zeus on the back with the same stylistic features and an eagle perched on a flash between the figure of the God and the name of the ruler. Bithynia was an ancient region, kingdom and Roman province in the northwest of Asia Minor. There are also coins from Odessos (today Varna town, Bulgaria) with two of them dating from the second phase of its silver coinage after 115-110 BC. Also one tetradrachm from Messambria (today Nessebar, Bulgaria) from the period 150-125 BC. The coins have Heracles on the front side and the sitting Zeus on its back side. They have the relevant characteristics of their urban coinage - monogram of Odessos’s name and helmet for Messambria’s. Текст на български и снимки: СЕНЗАЦИОННОТО МОНЕТНО СЪКРОВИЩЕ ОТ СИНЕМОРЕЦ - "Морски колекции" ( Проф. д.и.н. Иван КАРАЙОТОВ)…/izsle…/karajotov01102012.html

Съкровището при откриването. / when it was found in situ


Тетрадрахма на тракийския цар Мостис (края на 2 – началото на 1 в. пр. Хр.) от Аукционкаталог.

Тетрадрахма на Бизантион от Аукционкаталог.

Монета на витинския цар Прузиас II (182 - 149 г. пр. Хр.) от Аукционкаталог




 Лице и опако на тетрадрахмата от Сливаровското съкровище, открито в долината на река Резовска.

Лице и опако на тетрадрахмата от Сливаровското съкровище, открито в долината на река Резовска.

Опако на монета на Бизантион от Синеморското съкровище.
Sursa informaţiilor Archaeology Bulgaria.

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