joi, 28 decembrie 2017

Noi monede comemorative argentiniene - 28.12.2017 - VIDEO

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The Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA) has put into circulation the new 1 and 5 peso coins. Both will coexist with 1 peso coins and 5 peso bills currently in circulation.

Both pieces are part of the new family of coins, "Trees of the Argentine Republic", composed of four denominations of 1, 2, 5 and 10 pesos, with the images of jacaranda, palo borracho, arrayán and caldén, respectively .

These species are representative of different Argentine regions. As in the case of native animals present in the banknotes, the choice of trees aims to celebrate the value of Argentina's natural resources and to raise awareness about environmental preservation.

1 Peso coin
Its design presents on the obverse, in the central field, the stylized representation of the jacaranda. In the upper arch appears the text "ARGENTINE REPUBLIC"; in the lower one, the word "JACARANDÁ".
On the reverse side of the coin, on the right, there is a synthesis of the flower of the jacaranda and in the upper arch, the year of coinage "2017". The motto "IN UNION AND FREEDOM" is located at the bottom. Finally, the location of the denomination "1 PESO" on the left indicates the Northwest region, the most important of this species in the Argentine territory.

Data sheet

Made of electrodeposited steel with copper and has a reddish hue.
It measures 20 millimeters in diameter and weighs 4.3 grams.
It has a thickness of 1.7 millimeters and its edge is smooth.

5 pesos coin
The design presents on the obverse, in the center, the stylized representation of the arrayán. In the upper arch, the text "ARGENTINE REPUBLIC" is observed, and in the lower arch, "ARRAYÁN", common name of the tree.
On the back, on the right, there is a synthesis of the flower of the arrayán accompanied by the year of coinage "2017" and, in the upper arch, the motto "IN UNION AND FREEDOM". The location of the denomination "5 PESOS" indicates the Patagonia, the region where this species is more representative.

Data sheet

Coined in electroplated steel with nickel and its color is silver.
It measures 23 millimeters and weighs 7.3 grams.
It has a thickness of 2.2 millimeters and the edge is smooth.

During 2018 the new series of circulating coins from Argentina will be completed, with coins of 2 and 10 pesos, with the figures of the drunkard and the caldén respectively.

Video (no audio)
Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: Banco Central de la República Argentina
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