joi, 29 septembrie 2016

O nouă monedă comemorativă finlandeză - 29.09.2016

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With date confirmed for next October 17 by the Suomen Rahapaja (Mint of Finland), emission will release the second coin of 2 euro commemorative Finland in the 2016 coin dedicated to the centennial of the birth of philosopher Henrik von Wright Finnish Georg. 

The design work of Nora Tapper shown in the inner part of the coin the shaft of an ancient Doric column and an oak branch to the left. The legend "HENRIK VON WRIGHT GEORG 'appears in a semi-circle from left to right and the year of issue" 2016 "appears top right.They are an indication of the issuing country 'FI' and the mintmark on top, to the left side.

Million pieces that make up the issue, 989,000 are issued in rolls, the remaining 11,000 are in Proof quality.

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