joi, 25 februarie 2016

O nouă monedă comemorativă slovacă - 25.02.2016

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On the occasion of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union that Slovakia will occupy for the first time during the second half of 2016, Národná banka Slovenska (National Bank of Slovakia) issued on 7 March 1 million coins 2 euro commemorative, dedicated this important event for the country. 

The work of Vladimír Pavlica design, was the winner of a public competition for the design of the coin organized by the NBS in 2015.

The design dominates the national emblem of the Slovak Republic, arranged in its central part and on a background of centripetal dynamic lines representing the position and the importance of the Slovak Republic during his first presidency of the Council of the European Union. To the right of the national emblem of the Slovak Republic the year "2016" it appears. Around the edge of the inner circle the name of the country 'SLOVENSKO' (Slovakia) and the inscription "předsednictvo SR V RADE EÚ" (Slovak presidency of the EU), separated by graphic symbols they are. The mintmark of the Mint of Kremnica, consisting of the letters "MK" between two dies, and stylized initials of the designer of the national side, Vladimír Pavlica, "VP" are shown at the bottom of the composition. 
Presidency of the EU

The Council of the EU does not have a permanent, one-man presidency and the Commission or Parliament, but this task is assumed by the country holding the presidency, which rotates every six months.

During this time the ministers of the country chairing the Council meetings in each policy area, help determine the agenda and facilitate dialogue with other EU institutions. From July to December 2016 will be Slovakia who occupy for the first time in its history the presidency.

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